Jumanne, 28 Mei 2013

Birding in Tanzania - first impressions

Blue-spotted Wood Dove
As I've previously mentioned our house is high (150 m) above Lake Victoria and the business centre of Bukoba.  While the house itself has no garden to speak of we are surrounded on three sides by lush gardens with bananas, plantains, avocados, papaya, mango and assorted vegetable crops.  The front of the house looks over a large grassy paddock used for drying clothes and grazing a small cattle herd.  This combination attracts lots of birds and I've been keeping a daily log for the Tanzanian Atlas of birds seen within 500 m of the house.

Interestingly we have quite a few small eucalyptus groves nearby and there are Silky Oaks (Grevillea robusta) from Queensland and radiata pines scattered around.  Lots of trees I can't put names to of course.
Bronze Mannikin

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni